North East Wales Football Association Limited

Company Number: 15734390
Useful Contacts
If your query relates to a player registration matter then please email fsc@faw.cymru
If your query relates to a coach registration matter then please email lauren@fawtrust.cymru
If your query relates to a discipline matter then please email Discipline@faw.co.uk
If the query relates to a safeguarding matter, then please contact safeguarding@faw.co.uk
North East Wales Football - League Manager
Mr Robyn Cooke
07961 281247
NEWFA GIRLS League - League Manager(s)
Mrs Julia Bowhill & Mrs Kat Bonham
07818 086570 / 07891 711926
North East Wales Junior & Youth Football League - League Manager
Tom Williams
Flintshire Junior Football League - League Secretary
Mr Adam Williams
Wrexham & Disctrict Junior Football League- League Secretary
Mr D Bostock
North East Wales Referee Association Secretary
Mr Morgan Griffiths
07547 118857
Welsh Premier League Secretary
11-12 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff CF24 SPJ
ARDAL North League Secretary
North Wales Coast Football Association Secretary
Mr G Jones
01248 421182
Central Wales Football Association Secretary
D. Hinton-Jones
01970 612720